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TinyTalk Baby Signing Class


Cours suspendus momentanément


6 to 8 families (newborns till about 18 months)



360CHF per family for a 12 sessions term



Friday 9:30am - 10:30am

Friday 11am - 12pm


Next dates:

September 18, 25

October 2, 9, 16, 30

November 6, 13, 20, 27

December 4, 11

Learn to communicate with your baby before they can speak, at an award-winning TinyTalk baby signing class, for the first time in Geneva!

What can you expect at a TinyTalk class?

- Weekly themes such as bedtime, family or a trip to the park give you the signs you need to share baby’s world and daily routine, using British Sign Language (BSL)

- An interactive class featuring well-known nursery rhymes

- Hands-on sensory activities delight your baby and develop all-round communication skills such as vocalising, listening and taking turns. They also stimulate your baby’s senses, encourage their tracking skills and develop their hand-eye coordination and fine motor skills

- Time to relax with a cuppa and make new friends whilst your baby enjoys social playtime!


A signing baby:

- can tell you what they're thinking about BEFORE they can talk

- can tell you what they want, how they're feeling or what they're looking at

- is a very happy little being - DELIGHTED to be understood!

- has very happy parents / carers who have 'a window to their baby's mind' (and don't need to 'guess'!)

- is a confident communicator, with an early understanding of language AND able to express themselves 


Centre Périnatal

Bd de Saint-Georges 72

1205 Genève

1er étage


Centre Périnatal & Famille

Boulevard de Saint-Georges 72

1205 Genève

022 301 52 52


Secrétariat du Centre Périnatal

du lundi au jeudi

de 9h30 à 16h30

Centre Périnatal & Famille

Du lundi au vendredi

de 8h à 20h



ACCES tram-bus

Tram 15 arrêt Cirque

Bus 2, 3, 6, 7, 10, 19

arrêt Cirque

ACCES Voiture

Parking Plaine de Plainpalais

Parking Hôtel des Finances

Place Bleue

© 2025 by Muriel Heulin

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